Published On: July 26, 2024

Kiddo Green – Three Pearls: Pg31 Fight! Bite! YELL!

Kiddo knew that if they tied her legs she would be completely at the mercy of these creatures.
She began to struggle. "NOOO!"
A memory of her mother flashed in her head.
“If anyone ever tries to snatch you, you fight and scream with all your might.” Beth said.
Still struggling, Kiddo thought, ‘But I’m already snatched.'
She remembered the time her father caught a mouse. They thought it was dead, but it jumped up suddenly and ran away when Ray dropped it.  Kiddo came up with a plan.  She went limp, closed her eyes and lolled her tongue out of her mouth.
[Excerpt from Kiddo Green and the Three Pearls Copyright 2024]

Obviously I chose a different route with the memories. When writing this story I did not factor in that I would need to work out how to DRAW said memories. DUH. Sometimes it's a bit difficult. I devoted a couple days just on how to show that she had an epiphany. That exclamation point was almost a light bulb. LOL!