Yes, you read correctly, The Brumsay [pronounced BROOM•say, but really fast like BROOMsay, and try it with a little Scotts burr of the ARRRR. BURRROOOMsay!]
You tried it didn’t you? Let me give you a little backstory on the name Brumsay. Kiddo Green went through many title iterations, the original being Windfall. Unfortunately, when you search “books titled Windfall”, about a gazillion or so pop up. That’s a bit too many. So I brainstormed new names for an ability that allows one to speak to mammals and fish, or when put another way, air breathing and water breathing animals. The definition of brume is a mist or fog. Water in the air! Then I tagged a little “say” on the end for speech and VOILA! BRUMSAY! Now, when I practiced using the title, The Brumsay, my spirits sank a bit, because NO ONE was going to know what the heck is a Brumsay and they would probably just keep scrolling on by. Sooo, I took a little inspo from an author, who may not be very popular with the world right now because of her misguided beliefs, but who wrote a freaking fantastic series once upon a muggle loving time, and I landed on Kiddo Green and the Three Pearls as my part 1 base title. The Haunt, being part 2 (obviously
) and part 3, the final act to come, being The Brumsay. When you search “books titled brumsay”, SHOCKER there ain’t none! Yet. Hee hee. There will be soon. Lets get through the second act first though.
Published On:
March 3, 2025