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Welcome to Lisa Burvant’s Comics & Stories

 A collection of all of the comics, illustrated stories and picture books created by Lisa Burvant.

Kiddo Green and the Three Pearls

Well on a path to shutting herself off from everyone, a sad little girl, with a secret
that even she knows not of, is maniacally kidnapped by water monsters;
Before she can escape, she must learn that she
is not alone, as she battles her troubled emotions and her insane captors.

First post starts April 3, 2024!!

No one intended to leave Marta alone
in the big house, but everyone was called away for one reason or another. 
They remembered to lock her in so she was safe from EXTERNAL danger. 
No one gave a thought about
what dangers might lay within.

There's A Balloon In My Yard

A balloon’s journey and a boy’s courage.


If your wish is to know, then follow along. 
I will speak to you of these friends.

Okay, Colin

Just a little dude wishing for
his brothers admiration.
Which leads him into a whole mess
of an adventure.

Work in progress. Coming soon.

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Please excuse the noise.