Kiddo Green – Three Pearls: Pg 36 Uhhh

The large fish slowed to keep pace with Kiddo and watched her as she kicked through the water.  She had the oddest feeling that she was being rude and stopped kicking.  
With a deep gravelly voice the golden Koi fish spoke again to Kiddo.
"Hello. Are you alright, Little Elizabeth?"
Kiddo was so very confused by all of it, and all she could say was, "Uhhh..."
The large fish scoffed.  SCOFFED!
"Of course she’s not all right.  Turn her around and we’ll get those ropes off of her."
The koi fish swam right up to Kiddo and nudged her around with his nose until her hands were right next to the big fish’s side.  With a few wiggles and rubs the big fish cut through the rope binding Kiddo’s hands with the large sharp scales along her side. Kiddo reached up and pulled the rope from her neck.
[Excerpt from Kiddo Green and the Three Pearls Copyright 2024]